Something about me

Ok, my name is Oleksandr Dzyuba, I am 20, I have brown eyes and dark hairs and I am a 4 year student of National Technical Univercity of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnical Institute", Printmedia Institute....

Now I am an editor-in-chief of the student newspapercalled "Poligraf",
and working in the Joint Laboratory on Sustainable Environmental and Energy Technologies.
I have a lot of friends and I love them.
But, above everything, I love ..........

If you want to know more about me - ask me, or read my blog next day :), maby I can write about something interesting for you.

1 коментарі:

Анонимный 26 февраля 2008 г. в 11:57  

So, that's a nice try!
In order to support you in this nice beginning, i'll come here to see updates and may be comment )

Меня зовут Саша Дзюба и это мой блог! Пишу я здесь то, с чем сталкиваюсь ежедневно - это и социальные системы, и различные курсы обучения, путешествия, эмоции, и, конечно-же моя профессиональная деятельность.